Anything can cause anything
Speaking with a patient this week, she told me that after receiving some Chinese herbs from her acupuncturist she soon began experiencing intense indigestion. When mentioning this effect to the doctor, she was immediately told that this was, “not possible.” After she stopped the herbs, her indigestion abated. My response to her story, based upon thousand of observations in clinical practice, was that, “anything can cause anything.” For example, I have seen onions cause debilitating arthritic reactions; heavy metals cause recurrent yeast infections; microorganisms cause lower back pain; an old ankle injury cause ear ringing; emotional stress cause carpal tunnel; and so on, and so on. These were not direct connections, but rather were manifestations of an imbalance within the body as a whole.
Patients come to me seeking help for everything from wrists to warts and from cramps to cholesterol. Yet, what they come in with is often not their real problem. That is why I have them fill out a health assessment form that asks about 150 general health questions. If I were to guess, I would say that, no matter why they came in the office, the ten most common symptoms on their health assessment are: Fatigue, indigestion (gas or heartburn), insomnia, headaches, weight gain, constipation, loose stools, menstrual irregularities, anxiety, and sugar cravings (notice that none of these specifically had to do with their spine).
One important rule to remember is that everything is connected. In my next book I will attempt to describe the core systems that tend to break down as a result of the “regular” stress that we all endure on a daily basis. Restoring health requires correcting each of these strained core systems, often at the same time. That is why traditional medicine regularly fails. It looks for a single sick or broken part, not an out-of-balance whole.
For the body is not one member, but many. 1 Corinthians 12:14
But now are they many members, yet but one body. 1 Corinthians 12:20
In the chart below you can see five of the core systems I am referring to and the avenues leading to them. They are: gut imbalances, adrenal gland stress, blood sugar imbalances, hormonal imbalances and neuro-immune breakdown. Each can create large problems on their own. However, if you are unfortunate enough to have several of them imbalanced at the same time, these afflictions can easily lead to well known disease. Any unmitigated stress in life (structural, chemical or emotional) can place you in this vertical fall. Continued forestalling on your part will ensure that the viscous cycles perpetuate and inflate as one core system affected grows into two, three or more.
Patients come to me seeking help for everything from wrists to warts and from cramps to cholesterol. Yet, what they come in with is often not their real problem. That is why I have them fill out a health assessment form that asks about 150 general health questions. If I were to guess, I would say that, no matter why they came in the office, the ten most common symptoms on their health assessment are: Fatigue, indigestion (gas or heartburn), insomnia, headaches, weight gain, constipation, loose stools, menstrual irregularities, anxiety, and sugar cravings (notice that none of these specifically had to do with their spine).
One important rule to remember is that everything is connected. In my next book I will attempt to describe the core systems that tend to break down as a result of the “regular” stress that we all endure on a daily basis. Restoring health requires correcting each of these strained core systems, often at the same time. That is why traditional medicine regularly fails. It looks for a single sick or broken part, not an out-of-balance whole.
For the body is not one member, but many. 1 Corinthians 12:14
But now are they many members, yet but one body. 1 Corinthians 12:20
In the chart below you can see five of the core systems I am referring to and the avenues leading to them. They are: gut imbalances, adrenal gland stress, blood sugar imbalances, hormonal imbalances and neuro-immune breakdown. Each can create large problems on their own. However, if you are unfortunate enough to have several of them imbalanced at the same time, these afflictions can easily lead to well known disease. Any unmitigated stress in life (structural, chemical or emotional) can place you in this vertical fall. Continued forestalling on your part will ensure that the viscous cycles perpetuate and inflate as one core system affected grows into two, three or more.

Earlier I mentioned the ten most common symptoms patients present with in my office. I have seen every one of those symptoms disappear completely with diet changes; but not on every patient. I have seen every one of these symptoms disappear completely with supplements; but not on every patient. I have seen every one of these symptoms disappear completely by eliminating harmful microorganisms; but not on every patient. I have seen every one of these symptoms disappear completely with stress management, food allergy elimination, heavy metal elimination, nutritional imbalance correction, liver detoxification, neurologic reorganization, and immune system regulation; but not on every patient. Now you are beginning to see the predicament. Once core systems begin to weaken under some stress you can expect trouble.
That trouble can manifest as any symptom you can think of, whether it seems related or not. Yes, certain recognized symptoms lead you to the source of the problem quicker than others (i.e. an upset stomach after spending two hours at the all-you-can-eat crab leg buffet). But many are not that obvious. The “miracle” responses I have had after one or two visits occur generally when only one or two of the core systems are under strain. More than this, and expectations of an immediate recovery begin to diminish, but hope is in no way lost. Having seen what I have seen, fixed what I have fixed, and failed where I have failed, I can honestly say that the hardest question anyone can ask me is, “Doc what causes ___________?” Anything can cause anything.
That trouble can manifest as any symptom you can think of, whether it seems related or not. Yes, certain recognized symptoms lead you to the source of the problem quicker than others (i.e. an upset stomach after spending two hours at the all-you-can-eat crab leg buffet). But many are not that obvious. The “miracle” responses I have had after one or two visits occur generally when only one or two of the core systems are under strain. More than this, and expectations of an immediate recovery begin to diminish, but hope is in no way lost. Having seen what I have seen, fixed what I have fixed, and failed where I have failed, I can honestly say that the hardest question anyone can ask me is, “Doc what causes ___________?” Anything can cause anything.