Treating Sick children
There are many things that can be done to stimulate the immune system of a child who is starting to get sick. If your child begins acting out of sorts or has been exposed to sick children, do the following:
Pay close attention to the behavior of your child after eating certain foods. Junk foods often have immediate and dramatic effects on the behavior of children. Also, take a good look at your child’s skin every day. Skin is one of the areas on the body that will let you know if something is not right. My wife frequently shows me new bumps or mild rashes that our girls develop after eating junk foods. These bumps are very tiny and are commonly found on the face and cheeks, although they may be anywhere. Look closely; you will certainly notice changes. When you do, tighten the reigns on your child’s diet; or else, sickness may be just around the corner.
Doing all the right things does not mean your children won’t get sick. Some sickness is good because it builds immunity. Chronic sickness, the type that we want to avoid, means that something is wrong.
Our girls have had their share of colds. However, not like other kids. At the time of this writing, our daughters are 6 years, 4.5 years, 3 years and 5 months old. Since being born, Alyssa and Audra have been sick (with green mucous) a few times each. Alyssa has vomited once over a 24 hour period due to food poisoning from bad frozen vegetables. The next in line, Brooke contracted a respiratory virus common in the Denver area at the age of two weeks and was put on a home nebulizer for three days. Besides this, she seemed to be our healthiest baby until Elena came along. Now 5 months old, she is a robust bundle of joy (her middle name).
All of our girls are regularly around other children and are exposed to many different atmospheres, not to mention that I spend all day with sick people and bring their germs home with me. They have never had an ear infection, or been on antibiotics. I say this only to emphasize that it is possible to have a child with a strong immune system; one who is able to overcome illnesses and who is not always sick or on antibiotics. There is help and there is hope. A good diet is a must for a strong healthy child and regular chiropractic adjustments will help greatly.
The right supplements can be very helpful for children. Getting them to take them is another problem. I have a hard enough time getting my adult patients to do it. Try hiding them in applesauce or soups. Whatever you do, do not give them their supplements with junk food. I have had this self-defeating behavior happen before. Here are a few supplements that should be around the home of all parents:
Here are a few other good pieces of information related to the care of your child:
- Avoid all white bread products.
- Maximize vegetables, soups, vitamin C, and homemade juice drinks.
- No snack foods, sweets or store bought juices!
- If vomiting is a problem, do the best you can to give your child fresh made juices of apple, carrot, green vegetables, and especially garlic. This juice is far better than Gatorade, because it is full of enzymes that the body will use to dispose of the unwanted invader(s). Even if your child vomits up the juice, it only takes seconds for the intestinal track to absorb many of the beneficial nutrients. Try giving them just a small amount from a dropper if they can’t ingest an entire cup worth.
- The other soothing beverage for sick children is warm organic chicken broth, sold in the health food store, which can be given in a sippy cup.
- Finally, take your child to the chiropractor for an adjustment of their upper neck and cranial bones; it will help their body rebound quickly.
Pay close attention to the behavior of your child after eating certain foods. Junk foods often have immediate and dramatic effects on the behavior of children. Also, take a good look at your child’s skin every day. Skin is one of the areas on the body that will let you know if something is not right. My wife frequently shows me new bumps or mild rashes that our girls develop after eating junk foods. These bumps are very tiny and are commonly found on the face and cheeks, although they may be anywhere. Look closely; you will certainly notice changes. When you do, tighten the reigns on your child’s diet; or else, sickness may be just around the corner.
Doing all the right things does not mean your children won’t get sick. Some sickness is good because it builds immunity. Chronic sickness, the type that we want to avoid, means that something is wrong.
Our girls have had their share of colds. However, not like other kids. At the time of this writing, our daughters are 6 years, 4.5 years, 3 years and 5 months old. Since being born, Alyssa and Audra have been sick (with green mucous) a few times each. Alyssa has vomited once over a 24 hour period due to food poisoning from bad frozen vegetables. The next in line, Brooke contracted a respiratory virus common in the Denver area at the age of two weeks and was put on a home nebulizer for three days. Besides this, she seemed to be our healthiest baby until Elena came along. Now 5 months old, she is a robust bundle of joy (her middle name).
All of our girls are regularly around other children and are exposed to many different atmospheres, not to mention that I spend all day with sick people and bring their germs home with me. They have never had an ear infection, or been on antibiotics. I say this only to emphasize that it is possible to have a child with a strong immune system; one who is able to overcome illnesses and who is not always sick or on antibiotics. There is help and there is hope. A good diet is a must for a strong healthy child and regular chiropractic adjustments will help greatly.
The right supplements can be very helpful for children. Getting them to take them is another problem. I have a hard enough time getting my adult patients to do it. Try hiding them in applesauce or soups. Whatever you do, do not give them their supplements with junk food. I have had this self-defeating behavior happen before. Here are a few supplements that should be around the home of all parents:
- Probiotics – ex. Lactobacillus acidophilus. These are friendly bacteria that can be purchased at any health food store. They are also found in high levels in cultured milk. These should be given with any form of sickness. 60 -70% of our immune system resides in the linings of the gut. When you give these supplements you keep the gut healthy and strengthen the immune system at the same time.
- Im-Encap (Thorne Research) – Or similar immune supporting supplement. These supplements contain spleen, thymus and other organ tissues that greatly enhance immune system function. They usually come in tablet form and will need to be crushed for the little ones.
- L-glutamine – This is the primary food source for the cells in our small intestine and is given for the same reason as the Probiotics.
- Vitamin C powder – If your child is not feeling well, has a bad attitude, or a food reaction, this supplement can be used. Start with around 500mg in homemade fruit juice. You may increase the dosage until your child has diarrhea. If this happens, simply cut back their dosage.
Here are a few other good pieces of information related to the care of your child:
- Sore throat – Have your child gargle equal parts salt and baking soda in water. This concoction disrupts the environment in the throat making it difficult for organisms to live.
- Common Cold – Keep the immune system strong. Give your child plenty of fresh air and sunshine. Mild exercise like walking can also be very helpful to encourage lymphatic drainage. Keep their diet clean. Do not give them sugar! Sleep is also extremely important because it is the time when our bodies heal. That is one of the reasons why we are so tired when we are sick. Finally, wash your child’s hands frequently to prevent the spread of organisms to the rest of the family.
- Fungal infections – If your child is chronically sick, has childhood asthma, ADD or ADHD, you should have him checked for a fungal infection. Although chronic conditions have many contributing factors, fungal or other microorganism infections are usually involved.
- Fever – When a fever is present it means that your child’s body is fighting an organism. I do not believe that you should attempt to alter this reaction with over-the-counter medication unless the fever gets above 103 degrees F. or if your child is prone to febrile seizures. Make sure your child is well hydrated, but do not use juice (unless you make it yourself).